Heartfelt Prayer

When the emotions filled my eyes with tears and blurred the vision,
When the emotions obscured my thoughts and choked the speech,
I closed the eyes and looked upon you deep inside my heart, my lord
Bringing before you the cause of this emotional outburst
And I pray to the god in us “may our thoughts, words and actions bring peace, happiness and comfort to all beings
And at anytime it have not, please forgive us for such.”
Oh lord, please control us from within not to cause hurt to another being
For we are still in grips of mind and needs your strong and kind guidance always


My lord, I’m climbing over five steps of organs of action (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Skin)

Then I’m climbing over five steps of senses (Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Touch)

And I’m climbing over six major steps of obstruction (Anger, Arrogance, Lust, Desire, Greed, Competition)

Then I’m climbing over the two steps of mind and ego

My lord thus I’m able to see the effulgent blissful lord in the heart

No coming or going from this abode

This life itself is the climbing to Sabarimala

Eternally present lord in the heart is Ayyappa

May the antaryami, lord always present in the heart of all gracefully and kindly give the divine vision in all to experience the divine presence in heart always


Light and Bright

Risen ever without setting

Yet appear to have rise and set

Just moving apart for moon to shine

Giving light and space for moon and stars

Thank you sun, thank you moon

You both jointly makes the sky and earth beautiful

And we enjoy warmth and coolness here on earth

We all rotate around you along with earth

May you shine ever bright and light in our hearts


Blooming Delight :-)


Image: Kanikonna flowers from our garden 😊

May my thoughts, words and movement bring peace and delight

When I feel irritated, confused, painful, or in any bad mood,

Let me dive in silence and dissolve such in the deep sea of silence

So that it may not bring hurt to another being

I can’t hurt another being without hurting myself as I’m in every being and every being is in me

May I breathe in and breathe out peace and bliss

May we breathe in and breathe out peace and bliss

Refuge I

Mind and imaginations are capable of making me do many different things and add layers and titles on me which are like bubbles 😊

“I” the blissful destination reached through silence is the refuge from which I never have to go anywhere and is always available in silence 😊

It’s the sweetest of nectars writing of which a little only can I share the sweetness, but it’s much more than when I speak out 😊


Always Available

No need to wait in que

No need to wait for days to pass

No need to worry about day and night

No need to think about how to reach

Just trust humbly the eternal presence in heart

Just the thought of godly presence is enough

And the bliss gushes within our heart

For almighty is always available in our hearts 😊🌼🌻

Dear Mind

My dear mind, you need thoughts to be alive

Let it be the thought of dearly loving lord

My dear ego, you need to speak out words of pride

Let it be the chants of sweetest names of lord

Oh my dear colourful mind, thank you for all the beautiful pictures you made

Now it’s time to rest in the heart of loving lord and dissolve in lord