Always One Only

Dear ones, another beautiful divine flow through us:

From undisturbed bliss,
Arise into the world
Flow gently through the tasks
Keeping the focus in beloved
There is no I ever
There is no you ever
There is just this Oneness
Divine Sacred Union
One Soul
One Being
Throbbing with Love
Pulsating with Silence
Dancing with Joy
Touching the Untouched places
The Intoxication Bliss
Merging into Ocean

  • Krishna and Ram

Another Divine Bouquet From Krishna and Ram :)

With beloved in heart,
May each moment be blissful for you
Take a deep breath and look within
Feel the beloved always in heart
My beloved that shines and pulsates
Making my soul scream in ecstasy
With my heart a place of prayer
Every fibre of my being chanting my beloved name

Unbold part by Krishna and Bold part by Ram

Thoughts of Krishna and Ram πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

Through my poem, “Beloved, My Heart Sings For You,” I got a new friend Ram.

Today morning, we shared some poems about Beloved and below is our treat for you all, dear ones 😊

In the stillness, what is left is you only
In the breath, the life force is you only
In all the sights, what I see is you only
Whatever I experience is you only
It’s you only, beloved, you only

You are my existence
You are my rhu (soul)
You are my happiness
In You, I am everything
In You, I am nothing
In You, I am just I am

(Words in italics – Krishna, Words in bold – Ram)

Thank you dear Ram πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ™πŸ»

Sunshine Blogger Award

First of all, sorry dear Sang for the late submission. I got very busy with few things at home due to festival season.

Thank you dear Sang for nominating me for Sunshine Blogger Award πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

Dears, please visit Sang’s blog:

Sang is a doctor and I would like to thank him for the services he render to society and also for his beautiful and wise blog posts.

Rules of award:
1. Thanks the blogger, who nominated you and provide the link of his or her website or blog.

2. Answer the 11 question given to you.

3. Nominate 11 other bloggers.

4. Ask your nominees 11 other questions.

5. Notify your nominees once, after you upload your post.

My nominees are – Open to all πŸ™‚

My answers to Sang’s questions

  1. How long and how frequently have you been blogging?

I started blogging early in 2012-2013, but from 2015 onwards, I started writing frequently. I write whenever I feel to share my heart’s feelings.

2. What do you focus on in your blog : Number of Likes, number of follows, positive comments, negative comments?

I focus on the joy I feel while writing and also the joy I feel when I see comment of someone writing she/he like it.

3. What is your main purpose behind blogging?

Sharing divine thoughts and sometimes reacting to socially relevant matters.

4. There are child rights, women rights, human rights. Why not Animal Rights?

Yes, I agree with you in terms of Animal Rights. They too have the same right as us to live a happy and safe life.

5. What is the cause of all sorrow in this world?

Desire to achieve more than what is necessary to live.

6. What would you like to change about in Justice. LAW in your country?

Slow processing of cases, especially if it involves politicians or rich people. Also not considering the motive of crime above the age of the criminal. Heinous crimes done by minors too should be punished very strongly so as to give all minors a lesson that they should be punished badly if they commit such crimes.

7. Which celebrity (any field) you admire the most?

I admire Dr. Sunitha Krishnan, who rescues children and women from human trafficking, and prostitution, and give them shelter, educate them, help them get job, and when they are at right age, help them get married. She is always an inspiration.

8. What is the surest way to success, in one word?


9. Why should not women prefer short hairs like men?

Sorry, I don’t know. I sometimes cut my hair short when I feel I need a change πŸ˜›

10. Shouldn’t there be a ceiling on how much property one can own?

Yes, it would be nice so that people will learn to get content with what they have and others too would get chance to own land of their own.

11. Where did you travel to recently?

Last year, in October, I went to Auroville. After that, I got busy with job and also Corona came, so hadn’t done any travel.

My questions to you all:

  1. What can you do to make the world a little more loving and caring?
  2. Can you describe your feelings while you blog?
  3. Please share few travel tips.
  4. Do you believe in home remedies?
  5. What is your opinion about social media influencing increasing crime against children and women?
  6. In your opinion, from what age should sex education start?
  7. Apart from blogging, what are your hobbies?
  8. What is the name of recent book you read?
  9. Are you a summer person or winter person?
  10. Do you believe people change into more good habits due to the effect of Corona?
  11. What is your simple advice to children?

Thanking once again dear Sang for the nominationπŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ™

Who else can say about Love beautifully than this β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜Š

Thank you dearest Leon for this lovely post:

The above in English:

dear a, let me introduce you to A please

Love always revolves around the other, either with a small “a” or finally around the Other with an “A” capital… until you realize that there is no “Other”. You and the Other are One, and You have always been One. And this is the secret of love. The deepest secret of love is the secret of Unity. The highest mystery of the human being is that we are one with God.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, translated by Leo Sanctuary

dearest a, please meet A

Love is above the other, either with a lowercase “a” or finally above the other with a capital “A” … until you realize that there is no “other”. You and the other are one and have always been one. And that is the secret of love. The deepest secret of love is the secret of oneness. The greatest mystery of the human being is that we are one with God.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, translated by Leon Hieros (THANK YOU dearest, dearest Elke!)

Lord as Lover

When I cried missing you
As you were away from me, and
Not responding to me in love
The most loving lord in my heart,
Hearing my weeps,
Woke up from deep sleep
Made me silent and look within
Feeling the ever present loving lord
My sadness and missing dissolved in everlasting love πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

Beloved, My Heart Sings For You….

Remembering you, dear one, my beloved,

My heart is singing for you

Are you hearing it?

I’m in a trance listening to the singing of my heart

About you, about our love

Physically, we are not near,

Yet you are so close to me in heart always

Or I say, sometimes I lose me in you

Words aren’t enough my beloved, to say about our love

Just love…love…love…

(Inspired from dear George’s blog and remembering my beloved:

Few words From My Heart πŸ˜Š

Sometimes, during our lifetime, we may get drawn towards spirituality. Sometimes it’s from birth too if you are lucky to be born in such a family. But, as you grow up and get involved with different phases of life and hearing experiences of different people, viewing various things in real life and through visual medias, from your own experience, etc., that spirituality grow or dwindle. At any moment, if you realize it, you have the choice to select whether to go with spirituality and make your own search or to give more attention to fulfill material desires and walk into spiritual life later. It’s your choice. It’s your freedom. But, after choosing the path to go, many things happen beyond our control. We meet different people, have different experiences both good and bad, etc.

After all, the goal is only peace, bliss, joy. For that, paths are different for different individuals as each one is unique. What is best for one may be worst for another. So, each one of us have to try which suits us best and hold onto it strongly.

As we travel through these paths, be aware that there will be many distractions. Only if we focus on our goal strongly and stand strong in our path, we would be able to overcome these distractions. Trust me, distractions can come from any direction at anytime. It might come from your parents, your friends, your teachers, your mentors or anyone. At that time, never ever give up, remember about your goal, pray according to your belief, distractions will clear up soon. Once you take a path, god, universe, consciousness, or what you call and believe in, will guide you. Just have the clear sense to identity it. That’s all dear ones.

Just felt to share what I felt in heart with you all 😊

May we all experience the eternal divine presence in heart. May we be always guided by divine powers dear ones πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ’•

Om namo narayanaya

Om namah shivaya