Joyful Salutations

Salutations my lord, the one who dwells in the lotus of my heart

Salutations my lord, the light through which everything is visible

Salutations my lord, the consciousness through which everything is experienced

Salutations my lord, who dwells in the heart of all beings

Salutations my lord, who is always the guidance of those who depend upon

Salutations my lord, who can be experienced within and around

No words are enough to write about the glory of my lord

May the lord residing in the heart of all beings bless us all always 😊🙏🪷


Earth losing her balance
On one side, children getting killed
On other side, more children are born
On another side, couples undergoing infertility treatment
Yet, on another side, parents abandoning their children
“Sorry children, I am helpless”, cries Earth

Happy New Year

A New Year unfurled
A digit changed in calendar,
But what a change around
People are welcoming the change
Celebrating with lights and music
Sharing wishes, making resolutions
Let we not forget each moment is new
No need to wait for a New Year for new you
Each moment is a chance to embrace new
To improve, to change, to forgive

Happy New Year and Happy New Moments dear all 😊🎉💖🕊️❤️🎈