Shivoham πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

In a world of,
Good and Bad
Black and White
Darkness and Light
Love and Hatred
War and Peace
I choose not the middle,
But Above All Dualities
The One Behind Everything
The One From Which Everything Evolves, Survives and Disintegrate
Shivoham πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

Mental Health Support and Suicide Prevention

Dear all,

I would like to write something about mental health. Most of us are leading a busy life facing different types of challenges each day. Some have the mental strength to face and successfully overcome the challenges of life, but some don’t have. Some have family, trusted friends or dear ones to share up on their worries, but some don’t have. There is increase in suicides among people of different age groups. I feel much of the suicides could have been avoided if the deceased got a chance to open up to someone and feel the support. What I would like to say, if something worries you, open up. If no one there to talk or you don’t feel comfortable to talk, just write.

Have a blog, write in it OR tweet it OR write in any social media. As you write down, you will get more clarification. Sometimes, your mind will be distracted from the thought of suicide. Somebody who reads the blog or tweet, will write you back. Sometimes, people find it easier to open up with somebody who they don’t have closer connection because emotional blocks will be there with closer connections. Writing up can help. There is solution to every problem.

Let’s all support each other and stay happy and blissful.

Thanks for reading,

#MentalHealthMatters #SuicidePrevention #everylifematter #lifeisprecious

How I Overcame Anxiety?

I was once a very anxious person. Many experiences in the past from the small age until few months back, resulted in anxiety. Hearing, reading, thinking and meditating upon the eternal presence of almighty within heart helped me a lot. With prayers, everything is done and then surrendered to almighty. Whatever is good for me, almighty knows and gives in the form of result.

The nature of world is to invoke anxiety, fuel up ego, comparison to next person and greed. With devotion to almighty, one would experience the love and care of almighty. With the unlimited grace, highest good happen each moment for every beings.

Surrendering everything to almighty is very much relaxing. Try it my dears πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ•ŠοΈ

Angels and Demons

I have met many angels and few demons

Diving into the hearts of few demons,

I found they too were angels once

Covered by grief, pain, hatred, jealousy, greed, ego, revenge,

They became demons

They are walking through the path of violence

Even when knowing their demonic ways will destroy them and their families,

Their revengeful and misguided mind value their motive than their lives

They are misguided to reach heaven and enjoy pleasures there by killing the angels

I wonder is it their scripture translated by demon than a Prophet?

I trust the original scripture is where God’s words are written

Mistakes had happened while translating into different languages over time

In the translations, translators have written unjust words as their messed up interpreted God’s words wrong

Innocents are taught and misguided from early age creating demons in earth

Some angels too are their among demons who overcome the misguidance through their pure hearts and grace of God,

Yet most of these angels suffer as they live among the demons

May the angels gain strength to speak for their rights

May the angels be compassionate to teach demons of self-care and self-love

Light can remove darkness

Once the demons experience love in their hearts, other bad emotions will fade over time

Light will reach all the corners of their hearts

Demons will become Angels again

Peace will be restored

A Sensitive Matter

Note: Here, I am writing about a particular religion without naming it. I’m trying my best to keep a polite tone here so that my words don’t hurt anyone. I am kindly requesting my blog friends (if you react through comments) not to write the name of that religion in the comments section πŸ™

We are all children of God even if we are born in different countries. We have the freedom to believe in God or not. If you are an atheist, but loves, considers, and cares other fellow beings, then you are leading a blessed life than someone who is a staunch devotee of God, yet hurts and kills other fellow beings who are not believers of their religion, in the name of God.

It is unfair to show cruelties to women, children and animals in the name of God even if your religious text says so (I still can’t digest it – I believe may be the translators of original religious text misinterpreted and written such things as said by God). It is unfair to hurt other fellow beings for your temporary joys. I have few friends from this religion who are well educated and follow a respectable life. They do not show any cruelties to other fellow beings, but they don’t question or utter a word against their religious matters in public out of their fear.

For an outsider to say and write about this religion, it is a highly sensitive matter and has to be dealt with care. But hearing more about the cruelties done by some extremists in this religion, I can’t stop myself from writing few words here.

I am humbly requesting all the kind and peace loving people of this religion to gather and educate the extremists about compassion, kindness, peace and love by considering other fellow beings. No peace can be created through violence. Through mutual respect, love, forgiveness, and sharing, we all can live in this earth peacefully.

There is enough for everyone here. When there is peace within your people and your children and women are happy and safe among you, you can all stand strong and get the support of good people around (who are otherwise staying away because of bad reputation about your religion). Little by little, good changes will come for sure. Peaceful actions are needed without violence.

Big complicated conflict among countries too can be cleared. Wars can be ended. There will be no refugees. Everyone will have daily food, clothes and safe place to live. I have strong hope in all the wise and compassionate people for the transformation to happen. This is the time.

Let us pray for the restoration of peace in all hearts πŸ™πŸ•ŠοΈ