Miss You Karnataka

Subtle fragrance of golden champa

Cooling breeze of Western Ghats

Breathtaking beauty of Malanadu

Giggles of Thunga and Bhadra

Chattering and singing of Agumbe,

Missing my friend, Karnataka 🥹🪷

Organ Cries

Summer is ripening
Juice stalls’ bags getting full
People drooling behind fancy unhealthy drinks
Social medias spreading unhealthy drinks and sellers
Illnesses waiting in rows
Kidney, liver, spleen, gallbladder and pancreas crying for mercy

PS: Unhealthy drinks in Kerala juice stalls, eg: Soda drinks mixed with chillies, soda drinks mixed with buttermilk, pickles (achar), etc.

Take care of yourself….


Fibroid Awareness

Hello my dear ones,

I would like to share about few things on fibroids with you all. Due to family history, lifestyle changes, environmental factors, a woman develop one or more fibroids during her child-bearing ages until menopause.

Even though most fibroids are non-cancerous, growth of fibroids should be monitored periodically after one is diagnosed with fibroids.

Some women have symptoms like increased menstrual bleeding followed by low hemoglobin, anemia and fatigue, severe cramping, passing large blood clots, increase in weight, mood swings, hyperpigmentation, etc., whereas some have very few symptoms which go unnoticed.

Once diagnosed with fibroids, better take the advice of an experienced gynecologist (allopathic doctor). Depending upon the severity, doctor will prescribe the suitable treatment. From the experience of my mother, 2 aunts, 2 cousin sisters and some friends, it’s utter waste of health, time and little or no benefit if you go for homeopathic and ayurvedic treatments for fibroids. Some ayurvedic tablets may arrest the growth of fibroids for few months but will badly affect your liver.

All of the above mentioned dear ones of mine suffered a lot for 3-4 years with fibroids by taking ayurvedic and homeopathic treatments. At last, they all ended up in open surgery and not laparoscopy due to the enlarged size and increase in number of fibroids. Except one friend, others had to remove their uterus too.

I too was diagnosed with 3 fibroids 2 years back (2 large and 1 medium sized). I followed doctor’s advice and underwent laparoscopic removal of fibroids.

If fibroids’ size were less, I could have undergone fibroid artery embolization rather than laparoscopy. But I had only few symptoms which I didn’t cared much and they increased in size without my knowledge. Only when I went for a checkup, doctor felt doubt and ordered ultrasound and diagnosed the fibroids.

I had passing of clots, migraines and some hyperpigmentation, which I didn’t know at that time were due to underlying fibroids and thus, fibroids remained unnoticed. I had surgery 2 years back and I have recurrence of fibroids now, which are small in size now.

I am undergoing ultrasound scan every 6 months to monitor the size of fibroids and taking care of my diet and lifestyle changes.

I am eating a Mediterranean diet with less carbs and more fiber and protein. I also do cardio exercises+ yoga daily to maintain healthy weight. I am also taking magnesium supplement prescribed by doctor which helps in migraines. If needed, I will undergo fibroid artery embolization in future after reviewing the size of fibroids with the doctor.

Please be careful if you or your ones have fibroid. When the size is less, sometimes it will shrink on its own, but sometimes it will grow gradually depending upon your body’s mechanism and genetics. Taking an experienced doctor’s advice is always the best rather than go for home remedies and homeopathic/ayurvedic treatments.

Developing hyperpigmentation on sides of mouth, passing clots, migraines, irregular periods, increased bleeding during periods, loss of libido, painful intercourse, sudden weight gain, and most importantly family history of fibroids, etc. are the points which you have to look for for the chances of fibroids.

Please share this with your dear ones too 🙏

Lots of love,

Krishna 😊

Slow Your Pace

Slowing down a bit helps

To watch within what’s going on

To correct the mindless activities

To remember to laugh

To assure self-love

To listen to body

To listen to mind

To rest when living

Blessed day my dears ☺️🪷😺🌞💖

Joyful Salutations

Salutations my lord, the one who dwells in the lotus of my heart

Salutations my lord, the light through which everything is visible

Salutations my lord, the consciousness through which everything is experienced

Salutations my lord, who dwells in the heart of all beings

Salutations my lord, who is always the guidance of those who depend upon

Salutations my lord, who can be experienced within and around

No words are enough to write about the glory of my lord

May the lord residing in the heart of all beings bless us all always 😊🙏🪷


Earth losing her balance
On one side, children getting killed
On other side, more children are born
On another side, couples undergoing infertility treatment
Yet, on another side, parents abandoning their children
“Sorry children, I am helpless”, cries Earth

Happy New Year

A New Year unfurled
A digit changed in calendar,
But what a change around
People are welcoming the change
Celebrating with lights and music
Sharing wishes, making resolutions
Let we not forget each moment is new
No need to wait for a New Year for new you
Each moment is a chance to embrace new
To improve, to change, to forgive

Happy New Year and Happy New Moments dear all 😊🎉💖🕊️❤️🎈